Got some unwanted hair that you want gone for good? Electrolysis just may be for you. Many of our clients suffer from PCOS and hormonal issues causing extra growth. This permanent form of hair removal has been around for years. It is safe and it is proven to work.
A probe the same size as your hair is inserted into the hair follicle and an electrical current is zapped in the follicle to kill off the hair root. Free consultations are available to help answer questions and give you the opportunity to experience what this treatment is all about. We use a blend of galvanic (direct) and thermolysis (high frequency) current to destroy the hair root. This is not a pain free treatment. Prescription numbing creams may be used, you just need to speak with your medical provider.
Electrolysis can treat any color of hair. If we can see it, we can treat it. The does have to be tweezer length in order to be treated. This service does require many appointments over a period of time. It is not a one and done, patience and consistency is must when beginning with it.
Our staff is conscience of the emotional scars facial hair can cause. The main goal is to offer a permanent and affordable service to all. We welcome those who are in the transition of male to female in the spa. We want to help you achieve your goals of becoming the person you deserve to be.
Consultations are free!
All new electrolysis clients must book a consultation prior to any treatment appointments, even if you have received this service at a different location. Our staff will discuss all sterilizing procedures, explain what electrolysis is, and give you an actual test patch during your consultation. Please be sure to have the hair at least tweezer length in the area you are seeking treatment.
Looking to get rid of that hair quick? Going on vacation and don’t want to shave? Tired of razor bumps and raw skin? Then waxing is the way to go!
Please be sure that the hair is at least tweezer length to get the most out of your treatment. If you are planning on waxing for a special event, please plan and do a trial run ahead of time. Everyone reacts differently and you don’t want to have red skin for your big occasion.